Traveling Is An Adventure
Traveling is an essential part of our lives. Not only do we find it incredibly rewarding and fulfilling, but the adventure, laughs, ups and downs that go along with every journey is what makes it so special to us. Experiencing the different vegetation, wildlife and cultures is what makes every journey worth it. What we really enjoy doing is seeing how many bird species we can find, and I do sometimes set the bar high! ON occasion we do log heads when it comes to identification, but I must admit I find it fun ruffling Bugs feathers!
For me the most important part is the laughter and just
enjoying each other’s company. The rest just falls into place as you go along.
To end this year off in a bang, we decided to travel to Namibia and join in a 5-day dune tour starting from Lüderitz to Walvis. We have extended our holiday and will travel for a month starting from the 7th of December 2022 to the 5th January 2023.
Many have asked us to start a blog and so they too can join in our crazy times together while we explore Africa in all she has to offer.
So lets do some blogging and join us in this incredible journey.
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